Friday, December 19, 2008

Illustration Friday 121908 : Voices

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The voices told Arnold the time was nigh, when he would assume his rightful place as King of Persia.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Illustration Friday 112808 : Balloon

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After two months, Duncan was forced to concede that balloon animals wouldn't be the making of him.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Illustration Friday 110708 : Wise

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Judges are meant to be wise, but sometimes their knowledge of contemporary culture (or lack thereof) and their attitudes towards gender, ethnicity or sexuality lead to questionable decisions.

Despite recent efforts to modernize the attire of British judges, it looks like the horsehair wigs and red robes will carry on making courtrooms look like BBC costume dramas...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Illustration Friday 091908 : Clique

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Being excluded hurts, but is being one of the herd really so much fun?

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Illustration Friday 053008 : Baby

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The egg and I have always been in agreement...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Illustration Friday 052308 : Worry

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I'd originally posted this sketch a couple of years ago for another IF topic. But, I'm worried that nobody ever saw it... having uploaded it on a Friday morning a mere 30 minutes before the topic changed...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Illustration Friday 050908 : Electricity

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Bummer - I've suggested "Electric" and "Electricity" as topics for IF some 6 or 7 times over the last two years, only for someone else to get the "glory" (and the extra page views)...

Our 8th grade science teacher, Mr. Ronnie "You bark at the moon" Black, was inspiring and terrifying in equal measure. When the time came to drag the Van de Graaf generator out of the closet for a demonstration of static electricity, he found the perfect victim in Diana Cooper - owner of the longest (in reality, long enough to sit on), palest hair in the class. I'll never forget her startled expression - and how deeply she blushed - when her hair took flight.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Illustration Friday 041808 : Primitive

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Inspired by the 4800 year old Cycladic figurines I saw at the British Museum last week - very stylized depictions of women, all with the same crossed-arms pose.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Illustration Friday 032808 : Homage II

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So, despite having paid homage to the distinctly modern Julian Opie in my last post, my artistic heroes are actually the Dutch/Flemish/German portrait painters of the 15th and 16th centuries: Memling, Holbein and, of course, Albrecht Durer. I painted this miniature in watercolors (leaning a bit too heavily towards the yellow) in 1984, after Durer's portrait of Oswald Krell. I was really pleased with the fur and the velvet at the time...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Illustration Friday 032808 : Homage

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This is a self-portrait in the style of Julian Opie, he of the Best of Blur portraits. Particularly recommended if you want to forget about your wrinkles...

A post script: have been playing with more "homages", and the result is this diptych, in honor of our 20th anniversary yesterday.

Click for the full-size image

Friday, March 21, 2008

Illustration Friday 031408 : Heavy

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You always see them at airport carousels - those battered, cloth-covered suitcases that look like they've been doing overtime carrying a couple dozen gold bars half way 'round the world. Invariably, they belong to little old ladies who are incapable of lifting them off the carousel and onto a trolley. And, also invariably, when I step in to help them, I then spot my own bag moving just out of reach...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Illustration Friday 022208 : Multiple

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All the vitamins, minerals and placebos you'll ever need, in one medium-sized pill...

Just having a go at 3D in Illustrator, after a long absence.