When I was in the Third Grade, we were all given "music aptitude" tests to see who would be allowed to learn an instrument the following year. Anyone who scored 90 or better got to join the chosen few, but yours truly only managed an 89. For some now unknown reason, I had my heart set on learning to play the flute, and was bitterly disappointed. So disappointed that my mother actually wrote a letter to the school to ask if there was
any possibility of my being given lessons should anyone else drop out of the program. Well, this was in the early '60's, and flexibility was an unknown concept; despite almost half of the "instrumentalists" in my class quitting their lessons by the end of the Fifth Grade, I never got a chance. (Many years later I tried to teach myself to play the tin whistle, but never got very far. Like learning languages, it's just so much easier when you're young, and learning alongside others.)
Anyway, this really isn't a finished illustration - the relative proportions of the head and hands are wrong - but I've run out of time...