Snow, ice, and slush are facts of life for much of the year in upstate New York, and I spent many, many hours attacking sidewalks with snow shovels in an attempt to clear a footpath around our house. Surprisingly, now that I live in the "balmy" English Midlands, I actually miss it - we've had only one all-out blizzard in the last 16 years, and don't even own a snow shovel!
I clearly do not miss shoveling after leaving New England! Nice illo!
yeah... i cant wait. :(
I hate shoveling snow. My husband hates it even move. It's his theory that its just going to melt anyway. Great illo. Well done!
Nice job. And little does this guy know that he's about to have a massive heart attack and will quickly be frozen to the sidewalk...
Oh...how distance can breed nostalgia! I'd be happy to never see another blizzard again:> Your illustration really captures the whole vibe of the winter storm...well done!
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