Agatha always said that her time in the Territorial Army had taught her a thing or two about effective camouflage.
This reminds me of our house when we moved in umpteen years ago - decked head to toe in Laura Ashley floral. Initially, money was a bit tight, so it took a very long time to get rid of it all...
I am kind of amazed by this. Great work. I would love to know how you did it.
Hi Ammon-
Thanks. This was done in Illustrator, and it was much easier than you'd think - all I did was create swatches (one for the shirt and another for everything else) using one of Illustrator's own flower symbols placed on a colored background. Then the swatches are used as fills. (Everything automatically joins up, despite bits of the sofa and curtains being on many different layers.)
Nice job, I had a similar experience back in the 70"s
very nice -- clever use of pattern
LOL! Very cool, I love it, nice camouflage!
Great! Wonderful concept. Plus, I love the orange. Thanks for the comment about how you did it.
Fun. Fun. Fun....
I like this a lot, very cool.
HAHA... talk about matching everything!
*Good to hear of the re-decorating ;)
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